Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I can't think of a title for this one

Tonight was awesome because I got to spend the whole time cooking for our relay for life event on friday. I made two pasta salads and then tried to turn my perfect cookie recipe into a healthy one...that was a big mistake. I think cookies weren't meant to be that way and I angered the cookie gods. Note: Applesauce butter, less sugar ≠goodness. So if anyone is out there, please continue to make the cookie recipe as previously recorded a few posts back.

Amanda, here is the pasta salad I was telling you about.

French lentils
flat leaf parsley
lemon juice
lemon zest
salt n peppa

Directions: I don't measure anything. The lentils I just simmer in water til soft. Once I made it with the big fat couscous but can't remember what they are called. Also, instead of cucumbers sometimes I put pine nuts, and by sometimes I mean one out of the two times I made it.

Good night!

P.S. This is what was occuring as I was cooking my little heart out...

1 comment:

  1. mmmm.... that sounds yummy (the salad, not the cookies). I will probably substitute quinoa for couscous and lime juice for lemon since those things are harder to find here.

    and you look terrified in the video. hahaha. i want a big thunderstorm!
